October 2020 Monthly Zoom Mtg

Zoom Meeting Sunday 10/04/2020 – 9 am Central

Greetings fellow BMW riders!  We are doing a Zoom meeting again this month.  See previous posts for using Zoom.

To join the October 2020 meeting by clicking on the link below.


You should NOT need to enter a Meeting ID and Password, but it's listed here.

If you don't use the link (e.g. try to join from Test Link), you'll probably be prompted for them.

Meeting ID: 777 1597 8376

Passcode: 4BVmf5



Date:  Sunday Oct 4, 2020

9 am - 10 am:  BMW Club meeting

-    Prez Dick Olson will reside and lead this as a regular meeting.

-    No early start for Zoom help as people are getting in, but you can call Jim Harms if you need help: 608-332-7605

-    We are using Zoom's Free account.  After 40 minutes, everyone will automatically be disconnected.  You can reconnect again, but we'll try to finish in 40 min.