Sept 6, 2020 BMW Club Zoom Mtg Invite

Zoom Meeting Sunday 9/6/2020 – 9 am Central

Hello fellow BMW Riders!

Given that we haven’t been able to hold our Monthly Sunday morning breakfast for months now, we’ve started hosting a Zoom meeting instead. The first ‘test’ went well last month, so we are inviting others.

If you are a former club member or may be just interested in our club, feel free to connect to Zoom to meet others and mingle.  No strings attached!

Meeting link is unique for the month.  The test link works anytime.

There are many ways to connect to Zoom, including:
1. Web Browser : Nothing to install
2. PC or Mac Computer - Download the Zoom App from the Test Link.
3. Android or iPhone smart phones - Download from the App Stores.


If you've never used Zoom before, please follow the link above to do a 'Test Meeting'.  This will ensure that you will be able connect before our club meeting.  If you have issues, there is an embedded link to the Zoom support center, which should help you solve any problems connecting.
You can either test thru a Web Browser OR download the Zoom App and run/test it from there.  If you don't have a Web Cam (Video), you can still join via the Voice connection.  There is also an option for smart phones, but I think you'll need to go to the App Store first to install it, then use the Test Link.

*** The Actual Meeting Info and Link ***

Join the meeting by clicking on the link below.

BMW Club Zoom Meeting Sept 2020

You should NOT need to enter a Meeting ID and Password, but it's listed here.

If you don't use the link (e.g. try to join from Test Link), you'll probably be prompted for them.

Meeting ID: 758 1754 0327

Passcode: 0AEBrj

Date:  Sunday Sept 6, 2020
8:30 am - 9 am :  Zoom Assistance Pre-Meeting
-    If you are still having problems, log on early and we'll try to resolve them.
-    Please call Jim Harms' cell if you are stuck.  608-332-7605
-    Stay connected as the real meeting will kick in at 9 am
9 am - 10 am:  Actual BMW Club meeting
-    Prez Dick Olson will reside and lead this as a regular meeting.
Zoom Meeting Tips
-    Turn off your video initially and only use the voice option.  This is to minimize the video lag when a large number of people log in.  When you are talking, then you can turn it on.  If we find that video isn't too jittery, more people can turn it on.  Please be patient as we do this trial run!
-    Limit the number of applications you have open and running on your machine during the Zoom meeting.  It will improve your system response.
-    Put questions in the Chat option rather than talking over someone.  You can also 'raise your hand' virtually to indicate you want to speak
-    Make sure you are have light in front or above you.  If behind you (eg. a sunny window),  we will only see a shadow outline, not your face.
Thanks and see you Sunday!

Jim Harms